HAAART Foundation Curatorium/Supervisory Board
The HAAART Curatorium/Supervisory Board provides strategic guidance, oversight, and governance to ensure the organization's mission, vision, and objectives are achieved. The core objective of the curatorium is provide strategic direction and guidance to the foundation, ensure organizational accountability and transparency, oversee financial management and resource allocation, foster collaboration and partnerships and monitor program effectiveness and impact.
HAAART Foundation Curatorium/Supervisory Board Members - Positions, Names & Nationality
1. Chairman: Kalyan Krishna Bandaru - Indian
2. Vice Chairman: Sylvestre Kindyide - Benin
3. Vice Chairman: Joseph Junior Djounda Tefac, Cameroonian
4. Supervisory Board Member: Senve Darlington Tehmeh, Liberian
5. Supervisory Board Member: Ramona Maria Grewan, South African