Empowering Global Peace and Justice Through Dedicated Leadership

About the Program:

The HAAART Foundation Ambassador Program recognizes and supports exceptional individuals who share our commitment to promoting global peace, justice, and human rights. HAAART Ambassadors play a vital role in advancing our mission and values by representing the foundation before states and international organizations. HAAART Foundation designates one dedicated ambassador and up to 5 deputy ambassadors to international organizations

Role of an Ambassador:
1. Represent HAAART Foundation before International Orgnaizations
2. Promote global peace, justice, and human rights and other programs and initiatives
3. Provide expertise and guidance on key issues
4. Facilitate partnerships and collaborations

Ambassador Categories:
1. Global Peace Ambassador
2. Human Rights Defender
3. Justice Advocate
4. Community Leader
5. Young Professional Ambassador


Life Mmebers, Permanenet Mmebers are eligible to HAAART Ambassadors subject to approval of the executive Board

HAAART Ambassadors to International organizations

International Orgnation Name:

Ambassador Name:

Dy Ambassador Name: