HICA Honorary Members shall be those individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of alternative dispute resolution and who are interested in the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Court and are appointed by the supervisory Board. Honorary Members shall be exempted from the payment of any Membership fee but will be entitled to receive all the requisite benefits of membership.
Step 1: Choose to be a HAAART Foundation member of any of the types beow that suits you, and proceed to register by following the instructions given in the respective web pages;
Life member: https://haaart.org/Service/NTE=About-MEMBERSHIPS-QUALIFICATION-LIFE-MEMBERSHIP
Honorary / Advisory Member: https://haaart.org/Service/NTI=About-MEMBERSHIPS-QUALIFICATION-HONORARY-ADVISORY-MEMBERSHIP
Permanent Member: https://haaart.org/Service/NTM=About-MEMBERSHIPS-QUALIFICATION-PERMANENT-MEMBERSHIP
General Individial Member https://haaart.org/Service/NTQ=About-MEMBERSHIPS-QUALIFICATION-GENERAL-MEMBERSHIP
Step 2: Once your profile is registered, the board will review and contact you to the respective membership subscription fee if applicable.
Step 3: Once membership payment proof is submitted, your membership will be approved by the board (subject to proof of payment if any applicable).
Step 4: Once your membership is approved, log in to to yo dashbard and click on "ADD YOUR PROFILE" and then click on "ADD HICA HONORARY MEMBER PROFILE" and complete the application.
Step 5. The board shall review your profie and confirm you as "HICA HONORARY MEMBER" subject to meetig the qualifications.