HIAL ADR Accreditation
The HAAART International Court of Arbitration - International Arbitrator Accreditation is a credential recognizing expertise and excellence in international arbitration. This accreditation demonstrates a deep understanding of international arbitration principles, procedures, and best practices.
1. Enhanced professional credibility and reputation
2. Increased opportunities for appointment as an arbitrator
3. Access to exclusive networking events and training programs
Eligibility Criteria
1. Bachelors / Master in Law or or equivalent degree
Accreditation Process
1. Application submission with supporting documents
2. Online examination on international arbitration law and procedures
3. Oral assessment of arbitration skills and expertise
4. Review and approval by Hial Accreditation Committee
Accreditation Levels
1. Associate Arbitrator (AA): Entry-level accreditation
2. Accredited Arbitrator (ACA): Mid-level accreditation
3. Fellow Arbitrator (FA): Advanced-level accreditation
4. Chartered Arbitrator (CA): Highest-level accreditation
To be disclosed after scrutiny of applications
Training Programs
HAAART offers various training programs to support arbitrator development:
1. International Arbitration Fundamentals
2. Advanced Arbitration Techniques
3. Arbitration Law and Procedure
4. Ethics and Best Practices in Arbitration
Maintenance Requirements
1. Continuing professional development (CPD) requirements
2. Adherence to HIAL Code of Ethics
3. Annual accreditation fee payment