Permanent Mmebership
i. Any Alumni & Faculty of Hague Academy of International Law, Alumni & Faculty of HAAART Foundation or its subsidiaries, affiliates, sub organizations, national organizations, regional organizations, institutions, units, subsidiaries, divisions and sub establishments, who is a natural person is eligible to be permanent member of the foundation.

ii. Any natural person who doesn't meet the above criteria but who has been referred by at least 11 members who are on the rolls of life or honorary or permanent members may also be eligible as a permanent member subject to payment of permanent membership fee.

iii. The said person shall be admitted to the rolls of permanent members of the foundation upon the person’s application satisfying the requirements of membership admission. All permanent member enrollments shall be confirmed by the President and Secretary General of the Executive Board subject to membership admission fee.

Permanent Members membership admission fee
i. A person eligible to be a permanent member of the foundation shall pay a one time membership admission fee of TWO HUNDRED EUROS (€ 200) or such fee as decided by the executive board may decide from time to time.

Permanent Members Annual Membership Subscription fee:
i. A permanent member on the rolls of the foundation shall pay an annual permanent membership subscription fee of five hundred euros TWO HUNDRED EUROS (€ 200) or such fee as decided by the executive board may decide from time to time.

Permanent Membership benefits:
i. All permanent members on roll of the foundation with no dues of subscription can avail discounts of up to 20% on such paid services as and when decided by the executive board.

ii. All permanent members who have paid an annual subscription fee can attend all general, special and extraordinary meetings of the foundation and cast their vote.

iii. Permanent members of the foundation are eligible to nominate themselves or be co opted to be part of sub-committees / joint committees, units, sub organs of the foundation and executive board of the foundation.

Procedure to be come a Permanent Member of HAAART Foundation:

Step 1: Read the terms above carefully and proceed to regsiter your profile at https://haaart.org/permanentmember

Step 2: Once your profile is registered, the board will review and contact you to pay permanent membership subscription fee of TWO HUNDRED EUROS (€ 200)

Step 3: Once membership payment proof is submitted, your membership will be approved by the board