Honorary / Advisory Membership

The foundation may up on its request or up on the interest of any of the following dignitaries may appoint the following types of honorable dignitaries including but not limited to Retired Judges of ICJ, other international courts, Members of UN Organizations, Members of Hague Academy Curatorium & Carnegie Foundation, Ambassadors / Diplomats / Govt Representatives of States and such dignitaries who are natural persons who may deem fit may be admitted to the roll of honorary members of the foundation by the supervisory board.

Honorary membership fee and annual subscription fee shall be free of charge for such members admitted on the roll of life/honorary members. Honorary membership of HAAART Foundation shall be subject to referral by at least one proposer who is an existing member and approved by the board.

Procedure to be come a an Honorary / Advisory Member of HAAART Foundation:

Step 1: Read the terms above carefully and proceed to regsiter your profile at https://haaart.org/honorarymember   

Step 2: Once your profile is registered, the board will review and contact you should there be any queries.

Step 3: Post review of your application, your membership will be approved by the board